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Preschoolers love to imitate.  As teachers and parents we want to be a good and godly example for them to follow.  As Christians, we are to imitate Christ and follow His leading and directions for our lives.  It’s never too early to teach our little ones to follow God and here is a fun Christian preschool activity based on James 1:22 which says:  “Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves, but do what it says.”  I call this game “Follow My Directions, Please”.

Getting Ready:

For this activity, you will need to prepare several sets of directions.  I have given you 8 different ones down below that you might want to use or adapt for your situation.  The other thing you will want to prepare is a nice Scripture board that showcases James 1:22.  You are now ready to play this activity.

How to play:

After introducing your lesson and James 1:22, you will explain to the class that they are going to say the Bible verse.  After saying James 1:22, you will pick a child who must follow the directions you give him.  The child will then listen to the directions you give and perform them the best they can.  You might want to have a treat of some kind to give the child for his success.  After each set of directions, say the Bible verse together, then pick a new child to follow the new set of directions.

Possible Set of Directions:

Set #1:

1.  Hop to the sink.

2.  Wash your hands.

3.  Clap your hands 3 times.

4.  Sit down.

Set #2:

1.  Touch your toes.

2.  Spin around 2 times.

3.  Skip to the window.

4.  Sit down.

Set #3:

1.  Skip around the table.

2.  Hop to the table.

3.  Clap your hands 2 times.

4.  Sit down.

Set #4:

1.  Shout your name 2 times.

2.  Give teacher a high-five.

3.  Pat the top of your head 2 times.

4.  Sit down.

Set #5:

1.  Roar like a lion.

2.  Draw a circle in the air.

3.  Hop to the door.

4.  Sit down.

Set #6:

1.  Spin around 2 times.

2.  Clap your hands 2 times.

3.  Give teacher a back rub.

4.  Sit down.

Set #7:

1.  Shout your name 2 times.

2.  Touch your knees.

3.  Skip to the window.

4.  Sit down.

Set #8:

1.  Chirp like a bird.

2.  Count to 5 out loud.

3.  Give teacher a hug.

4.  Sit down.

Here is fun way to introduce the lesson:

OK, boys and girls!  Follow my directions, please.  Touch your toes. (Wait for responses.) Clap your hands 2 times. (Wait for responses.)  Spin around 2 times. (Wait for responses.)  Very good.  I’m so glad you followed my directions.  God loves it when you allow His directions too.  We can’t just listen to God.  We also have to do what He says.  That’s what our Bible verse says.  James 1:22 says this: “Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves, but do what it says.”  (Point to your Scripture board as you say the verse.  In fact, I always break my verses up into small sections and then have the children repeat after me.)  Now let’s play a fun game to help us learn this Bible verse and learn to follow directions.  Let’s play “Follow My Directions, Please.”

If you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help get the kids you minister to excited about the Bible!    Just go to to fully subscribe.


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One of the most beautiful transformations in all of nature has to be the caterpillar becoming a butterfly.  The old has gone, the new has come.  Second Corinthians 5:17 is the ultimate showcase verse for this amazing principle, which says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has gone, the new has come.”  As God’s children, we may not have sprouted wings on the day of our second birth, but we are changing from glory to glory and one day we will shed these old bodies and put on a new body far greater than we can even imagine!  I think 2 Corinthians 5:17 is a hallmark Scripture that every Christian should have memorized, so here is a fun Bible school activity you can play with your children to help them memorize it as well.

Here’s what you do:

For this activity, you will need to prepare an index card for each word found in 2 Corinthians 5:17.  Use 2 index cards for the reference – one with 2 Corinthians written on it and the other with 5:17.  You should have a total of 20 cards.  Laminate them for long-term use.  Now display all of the cards in correct verse order, words facing out, on a pocket chart or on a table so that your entire class can see them.  Now, make the following cards containing the suggested picture I have listed below on one side of the card and the point value and directions on the other side of the card.  Make sure that the kids cannot see through the cards to the other side.

1.     Old-fashioned telephone – 10 points, Turn over 10 cards

2.     Old-fashioned radio – 20 points, Turn over 8 cards

3.     Old-fashioned record (LP) – 30 points, Turn over 6 cards

4.     A VHS tape – 40 points, Turn over 4 cards

5.     A car run on gas – 50 points, Turn over 2 cards

6.     Old-fashioned roller blades – 10 points, Turn over 10 cards

7.     Old-fashioned typewriter – 20 points, Turn over 8 cards

8.     A road map – 30 points, Turn over 6 cards

9.     Old-fashioned ice box – 40 points, Turn over 4 cards

10. A clothesline– 50 points, Turn over 2 cards

11. Old-fashioned washboard – 10 points, Turn over 10 cards

12. Candles – 20 points, Turn over 8 cards

13. Cloth diapers  – 30 points, Turn over 6 cards

14. Horse and buggy – 40 points, Turn over 4 cards

15. Old-fashioned camera – 50 points, Turn over 2 cards

Laminate all of these cards.  You can display them on a pocket chart, point side down, or fan them out in your hands, from which your kids will pick.  You will also need the list of multiple choice questions found at the end of this article.  You are now ready to play this activity.

Before playing, say the following to your class:

Who can name something that was old, but is now a new or better version?  For example, whenever you would see a movie, it was always in 2D – two dimensions.  Now, there are a lot of movies in 3D.  When I was your age (if this fits you), most fast food restaurants did not have a drive-thru window.  Now, almost all of them have drive-thru windows.  Who can give me some other examples?  (Wait for responses.)  Technology has changed the way we live in so many ways.  Old things are out of date.  New things are cool.  Did you know that God is interested in changing our lives?  In fact, no one can change a person’s life more than God.  He’s in the business of making us new creations.  Who would like to read 2 Corinthians 5:17?  (Have a child read the verse.)  Wow!  That’s a pretty awesome verse.  Basically, it means that when we accept Jesus as our Savior, He completely changes our life.  We may not see the changes right away.  In fact, the Bible says we won’t experience the complete and total change until we get to Heaven.  The bodies we have then, will be nothing like the ones we have now.

Second Corinthians 5:17 is a great verse that we should all memorize to help us remember that if we are a Christian, God has begun a new work in us and will complete it in Heaven.  To help us memorize this verse, we’re going to play a fun game called “New Creations” and also have a fun look at some old things that have turned new.

Here’s how we play:  I will divide you into 2 teams.  Each team will have the chance to pick one of my picture cards.  Each picture will be of something old that is not used very much anymore.  On the back of each card is a point value along with a number of cards you will have to turn over on our Scripture cards displayed on the pocket chart (or table). The team with the most points wins.

I will give you a multiple-choice question having to do with the picture you picked.  If you answer it correctly, you will get to earn the points listed on the back of the picture if you are able to say the Bible verse correctly with the amount of cards that are showing on our Bible verse display board.  After each play, I will turn the Bible verse cards back over for the next player.  Let’s play!

15 Multiple Choice Questions on Old Things and New Things

1.     The telephone – Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone.  In the old days, you had to sit by the phone the whole time you were talking on it.  The cord often got tangled up.  Today, we talk on

A.     Cell phones

B.     Tin cans

2.     The radio – Before TV, there was radio.  In the old days, families would sit around the radio listening to their favorite shows and music.  The first ones were big and bulky and had to be plugged in to a socket.  Today, we listen to music on

A.     Record players

B.     iPods

3.     A record (LP) – When people listened to music, they would put these black round discs onto a record player and place a handle, which contained a needle, on top of it.  They would go around and around.  You couldn’t rewind or forward.  Today we listen to our music on

A.  Tape decks

B.     CD’s

4.     A VHS tape – It used to be, that when you wanted to watch a movie at home, you would pop in a  videotape into your video player.  Today, we watch movies on

A.     DVD’s

B.     Film strips

5.     A car that runs only on gas – Cars are changing.  Most cars have always run on gasoline.  But because oil is growing scarce, more and more cars also run on

A.     Orange juice

B.     Electricity

6.     Roller skates – Going to the roller rink was lots of fun in the old days, but roller skates were big and bulky.  Today, kids where

A.     Roller blades

B.     Moon shoes

7.     A typewriter – Click, click, click went the typewriter.  Some people were very fast on these old-fashioned machines that used to write everyone’s letters.  Today, writing words has never been faster because we use

A.     Computers

B.     Pencils

8.     A road map – In the old days, if you got lost while driving, you would have to pull off to the side of the road and pull out your road map to figure out how to get where you wanted to go.  Today, if someone gets lost, they can just check on their

A.     position with the stars

B.     GPS systems

9.     An old-fashioned icebox – My great-great-grandfather used to deliver ice to people’s houses for their iceboxes.  This was how people kept their food cold.  Today, we put our food in a

A.     mailbox

B.     refrigerator

10. A clothesline – In the old days, if you wanted your clothes dry, you had to hang them on a clothesline for a few hours.  Today, drying your clothes is easy inside a

A.     dryer

B.     tanning salon

11. An old-fashioned washboard – Your great-grandmas worked hard at washing their clothes.  They would often use a washboard to scrub out the stains.  Today, your moms use a

A.     swimming pool

B.     washer

12. Candles – How did people see in the dark in the old days?  They used lots and lots and lots of candles.  Candle making was a big business.  Today, if we want to see in the dark we just use

A.     electricity

B.     fireflies

13. A horse and buggy – In the old days, most families owned a horse and buggy to take them into town.  Today, we can travel long distances in a short amount of time in our

A.     baby strollers

B.     cars

14. Cloth diapers – Taking care of a baby is a lot of work.  In the old days, moms had to wash a ton of diapers.  Today, it’s a lot easier.  Now, moms can use

A.     disposable diapers

B.     paper towels

15. An old-fashioned camera – Say, “Cheese!”  Picture taking and developing was quite a long process in the old days.  Today, people can take thousands of pictures in a matter of minutes with their

A.     digital cameras

B.     TV’s

Next, if you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up today to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help your kids get excited about the Bible!

Just click here: to receive your  6 FREE Bible Review Games today!


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Sail on Sailor:  A Fun Scripture Activity for Your Elementary Kids

There is something thrilling about being on a boat.  Whether in a little canoe out on a quiet lake or on a sailboat out in the middle of the ocean, boating is a beautiful way to enjoy God’s creation.

The Bible has some interesting ship stories.  Here is a list of 9 Bible passages about boats.  You will use them for the following activity:  Genesis 7:1, Exodus 2:3, Jonah 1:3, Luke 5:3, Matthew 13:2, Matthew 8:24, John 6:21, Acts 27:41 and Matthew 4:21-22.

For this idea, I suggest you obtain a kiddie pool filled with water.  Next, if you can, purchase 12 toy plastic boats (your local dollar store will probably have some) and with a permanent marker, number each one with a number from 1 to 12 and set them afloat in the pool.  Now, you will need to create 2 charts – one for your eyes only and the other for all the children to see.  The first chart should be written out as follows:

1.   Genesis 7:1

2.   Exodus 2:3

3.   Ship Sunk!

4.   Jonah 1:3

5.   Ship Sunk!

6.   Luke 5:3

7.   Matthew 13:2

8.   Matthew 8:24

9.   John 6:21

10.  Acts 27:41

11.  Ship Sunk!

12.  Matthew 4:21-22

The second chart that the children can see, should contain these 9 different captions:

Noah’s Ark, Moses’ Basket Boat, Jonah’s Ship, James’ and John’s Boat, Peter’s Boat, Parable of the Sower was Told, Jesus calmed the Sea, Jesus Came Here after Walking on Water, and Paul’s Shipwreck.  I actually wrote my on pictures of boats I found on my computer.

To play the game, divide your children into 2 teams.  Have a child from the first team “fish’ a boat out of the pool.  He will look at the number on the boat and tell it to you.  You will look on the first chart and see whether the child will read a verse or whether his ship has sunk.  If his ship sunk, the play goes to the next team.  If he is to read a verse, he does so from a Bible and then tries to pick the caption that matches the passage he just read.  If successful, he gets 50 points for his team.  The team with the most points wins!  Happy sailing!

Next, if you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up today to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help your kids get excited about the Bible!

Just click here: to receive your  6 FREE Bible Review Games today!


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Sail on Sailor:  A Fun Scripture Activity for Your Elementary Kids

There is something thrilling about being on a boat.  Whether in a little canoe out on a quiet lake or on a sailboat out in the middle of the ocean, boating is a beautiful way to enjoy God’s creation.

The Bible has some interesting ship stories.  Here is a list of 9 Bible passages about boats.  You will use them for the following activity:  Genesis 7:1, Exodus 2:3, Jonah 1:3, Luke 5:3, Matthew 13:2, Matthew 8:24, John 6:21, Acts 27:41 and Matthew 4:21-22.

For this idea, I suggest you obtain a kiddie pool filled with water.  Next, if you can, purchase 12 toy plastic boats (your local dollar store will probably have some) and with a permanent marker, number each one with a number from 1 to 12 and set them afloat in the pool.  Now, you will need to create 2 charts – one for your eyes only and the other for all the children to see.  The first chart should be written out as follows:

1.   Genesis 7:1

2.   Exodus 2:3

3.   Ship Sunk!

4.   Jonah 1:3

5.   Ship Sunk!

6.   Luke 5:3

7.   Matthew 13:2

8.   Matthew 8:24

9.   John 6:21

10.  Acts 27:41

11.  Ship Sunk!

12.  Matthew 4:21-22

The second chart that the children can see, should contain these 9 different captions:

Noah’s Ark, Moses’ Basket Boat, Jonah’s Ship, James’ and John’s Boat, Peter’s Boat, Parable of the Sower was Told, Jesus calmed the Sea, Jesus Came Here after Walking on Water, and Paul’s Shipwreck.  I actually wrote my on pictures of boats I found on my computer.

To play the game, divide your children into 2 teams.  Have a child from the first team “fish’ a boat out of the pool.  He will look at the number on the boat and tell it to you.  You will look on the first chart and see whether the child will read a verse or whether his ship has sunk.  If his ship sunk, the play goes to the next team.  If he is to read a verse, he does so from a Bible and then tries to pick the caption that matches the passage he just read.  If successful, he gets 50 points for his team.  The team with the most points wins!  Happy sailing!

Next, if you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up today to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help your kids get excited about the Bible!

Just click here: to receive your  6 FREE Bible Review Games today!


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Set the Heart Free:  A Super Bible School Activity for Preschoolers for Psalm 119:28, 32

Psalm 119:28, 32 says this:  “Strengthen me according to Your Word.  I run in the path of your commands for you have set my heart free.”  Isn’t “heart free” a great phrase?  I believe God’s greatest desire for all His children is that their hearts would be set free to worship Him and to glorify Him.  Here is a fun Bible school activity to help even your little ones begin to understand this truth.

Here’s what you do:

For this Bible school activity you will need a large cardboard or foam core square about 16” to 18” big.  (I like the foam squares better because you can find them in colors and it’s also thicker and stronger than cardboard. ) You will also need some thick black yarn and a red construction paper heart almost as big as your square and a small dab of removable tacky adhesive.  Laminate the heart and stick the heart into the center of the square.  Now cut 6 slits on each side of the square about one-half inch long equidistantly apart.  Secure one end of the yarn onto the back of the square and pull it through one of the slits.  Continue wrapping the yarn around the square, criss-crossing back and forth.  The heart should now be somewhat hidden.  You are now ready to share this Bible school activity.

Introduce Psalm 119:28, 32 in the following way:  Boys and girls, do you see the heart inside my square?  (Wait for response.)  Is this heart free or is it all tangled up inside?  (Wait for response.)  You’re right.  This heart is not free.  I think it makes God sad when our hearts are not free to love Him. Psalm 119:28, 32 says this:  “Strengthen me according to Your Word.  I run in the path of your commands for you have set my heart free.”  Would you guys like to help me free this heart?  (Wait for response.)  Good.  We are going to say our Bible verse together.  I’ll say some words first, then you repeat after me.  After each word I hear you say, I will pull away a piece of the yarn.  When we get to the end of the verse, our heart will be free!  Yipee!

At this point, hold up the square and as directed above, you will say the first word of Psalm 119:28, 32 and have the children repeat that word.  Undo the first section of yarn by releasing it from its notch.  Continue to do this until all the yarn has been undone.  Take the heart off the square and fly it around as if it were free.  Your little ones will really enjoy this part.  Wrap the square again and do the activity again.  On the following times, you might allow a child to un-notch a portion of yarn.  Happy heart freeing!

Next, if you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up today to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help your kids get excited about the Bible!

Just click here: to receive your  6 FREE Bible Review Games today!

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Set the Heart Free:  A Super Bible School Activity for Preschoolers for Psalm 119:28, 32

Psalm 119:28, 32 says this:  “Strengthen me according to Your Word.  I run in the path of your commands for you have set my heart free.”  Isn’t “heart free” a great phrase?  I believe God’s greatest desire for all His children is that their hearts would be set free to worship Him and to glorify Him.  Here is a fun Bible school activity to help even your little ones begin to understand this truth.

Here’s what you do:

For this Bible school activity you will need a large cardboard or foam core square about 16” to 18” big.  (I like the foam squares better because you can find them in colors and it’s also thicker and stronger than cardboard. ) You will also need some thick black yarn and a red construction paper heart almost as big as your square and a small dab of removable tacky adhesive.  Laminate the heart and stick the heart into the center of the square.  Now cut 6 slits on each side of the square about one-half inch long equidistantly apart.  Secure one end of the yarn onto the back of the square and pull it through one of the slits.  Continue wrapping the yarn around the square, criss-crossing back and forth.  The heart should now be somewhat hidden.  You are now ready to share this Bible school activity.

Introduce Psalm 119:28, 32 in the following way:  Boys and girls, do you see the heart inside my square?  (Wait for response.)  Is this heart free or is it all tangled up inside?  (Wait for response.)  You’re right.  This heart is not free.  I think it makes God sad when our hearts are not free to love Him. Psalm 119:28, 32 says this:  “Strengthen me according to Your Word.  I run in the path of your commands for you have set my heart free.”  Would you guys like to help me free this heart?  (Wait for response.)  Good.  We are going to say our Bible verse together.  I’ll say some words first, then you repeat after me.  After each word I hear you say, I will pull away a piece of the yarn.  When we get to the end of the verse, our heart will be free!  Yipee!

At this point, hold up the square and as directed above, you will say the first word of Psalm 119:28, 32 and have the children repeat that word.  Undo the first section of yarn by releasing it from its notch.  Continue to do this until all the yarn has been undone.  Take the heart off the square and fly it around as if it were free.  Your little ones will really enjoy this part.  Wrap the square again and do the activity again.  On the following times, you might allow a child to un-notch a portion of yarn.  Happy heart freeing!

Next, if you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up today to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help your kids get excited about the Bible!

Just click here: to receive your  6 FREE Bible Review Games today!

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archeryI really enjoy learning definitions to words.  For example, I remember sitting in my youth group years ago and hearing our teacher say that sin, in its foundational definition, means to miss the mark.  In other words, sin puts us off track from where God wants us to be.  Our elementary kids need to understand this and realize that all “miss the mark” and sin at times.  That’s what Romans 3:23 says.  Here’s the complete version:  “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  Here is a fun Bible school activity you can play with your kids to help them memorize this important Bible verse.  It’s called “Missing the Mark”.

Here’s what you do:

This game can actually be played indoors or out.  If you are cooped up in your classroom all the time, you might want to grab a piece of sidewalk chalk and head outside.  Otherwise you will need to make the following grid, I will describe, on your floor with some masking tape.  Make a 12-square grid, but then put a 13th square right in the middle.  I suggest making the grid about 1.5 yards long and wide.  Next, label each square, except for the middle one, with one word from Romans 3:23 along with a point value of 200, 300, or 400.  The middle square gets a point value of 500.  There are 12 words in Romans 3:23 including the reference.  Do not place them in any kind of order.  They should look scrambled on the grid.  Finally, grab a beanbag or some other object that will throw and land nicely on the grid.  You are now ready to play the game.

Here’s how to play:

Before beginning the game, say the following:  Have any of you ever shot an arrow?  (Wait for responses.  If no one has shot an arrow, ask if they’ve

ever seen someone shoot an arrow.)  I’ve shot an arrow and I hardly ever made the bulls eye.  I always missed the mark.  Did you know that’s kind of what sin is like?  It’s like missing the mark or falling short of where you should be – where God wants you to be.  Romans 3:23 says this: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  This verse means that we are all sinners and we all miss the mark at times and do wrong things that displease God.  Let’s play a game called “Missing the Mark” to help us memorize this important Bible verse.

Divide your class into 2 teams for this Bible school activity.  Give a child from the first team the chance to throw the beanbag.  He should try for the middle square.  If he succeeds, he must look away from the grid and recite Romans 3:23 by heart.  If he does so correctly, he earns 500 points for his team.  If he lands on a square with a word on it, he can earn the points on that square by saying the verse while looking at the grid.  However, before he says it, you the teacher, must erase the word in the box.  Play continues to the next team.  Eventually, it will get harder to recite the verse as the words are erased.  On any turn, if the beanbag lands on a square whose word has already been erased, then the teacher erases a different word on the grid, but the child only earns the points of the original square.  The team with the most points wins.

Next, if you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up today to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help your kids get excited about the Bible!

Just click here: to receive your  6 FREE Bible Review Games today!


Views: 3




archeryI really enjoy learning definitions to words.  For example, I remember sitting in my youth group years ago and hearing our teacher say that sin, in its foundational definition, means to miss the mark.  In other words, sin puts us off track from where God wants us to be.  Our elementary kids need to understand this and realize that all “miss the mark” and sin at times.  That’s what Romans 3:23 says.  Here’s the complete version:  “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  Here is a fun Bible school activity you can play with your kids to help them memorize this important Bible verse.  It’s called “Missing the Mark”.

Here’s what you do:

This game can actually be played indoors or out.  If you are cooped up in your classroom all the time, you might want to grab a piece of sidewalk chalk and head outside.  Otherwise you will need to make the following grid, I will describe, on your floor with some masking tape.  Make a 12-square grid, but then put a 13th square right in the middle.  I suggest making the grid about 1.5 yards long and wide.  Next, label each square, except for the middle one, with one word from Romans 3:23 along with a point value of 200, 300, or 400.  The middle square gets a point value of 500.  There are 12 words in Romans 3:23 including the reference.  Do not place them in any kind of order.  They should look scrambled on the grid.  Finally, grab a beanbag or some other object that will throw and land nicely on the grid.  You are now ready to play the game.

Here’s how to play:

Before beginning the game, say the following:  Have any of you ever shot an arrow?  (Wait for responses.  If no one has shot an arrow, ask if they’ve

ever seen someone shoot an arrow.)  I’ve shot an arrow and I hardly ever made the bulls eye.  I always missed the mark.  Did you know that’s kind of what sin is like?  It’s like missing the mark or falling short of where you should be – where God wants you to be.  Romans 3:23 says this: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  This verse means that we are all sinners and we all miss the mark at times and do wrong things that displease God.  Let’s play a game called “Missing the Mark” to help us memorize this important Bible verse.

Divide your class into 2 teams for this Bible school activity.  Give a child from the first team the chance to throw the beanbag.  He should try for the middle square.  If he succeeds, he must look away from the grid and recite Romans 3:23 by heart.  If he does so correctly, he earns 500 points for his team.  If he lands on a square with a word on it, he can earn the points on that square by saying the verse while looking at the grid.  However, before he says it, you the teacher, must erase the word in the box.  Play continues to the next team.  Eventually, it will get harder to recite the verse as the words are erased.  On any turn, if the beanbag lands on a square whose word has already been erased, then the teacher erases a different word on the grid, but the child only earns the points of the original square.  The team with the most points wins.

Next, if you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up today to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help your kids get excited about the Bible!

Just click here: to receive your  6 FREE Bible Review Games today!


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