• by katvincent

Have you ever let your preschoolers play with flashlights?  It can be a very fun activity, especially when combined with the Word of God.  Psalm 119:105 says this:  “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”  Here is a fun Bible school activity you can play with your little ones called “Happy Lights.”

Here’s what you do:

For this activity you will need a flashlight for each child or at least one for every 2 children so that they can share.  Before class, cover the ends of each flashlight with a piece of construction paper out of which you’ve cut a happy face.  Include a smile, two eyes and a nose.  Tape the papers to the flashlights.  You are now ready to play this activity.

Introduce Psalm 119:105 in the following way:  Boys and girls, raise your hands if you ever get scared of the dark.  (Wait for response.)  I get scared of the dark too.  I like being in the light much better!  I think God likes the light better too.  Here’s a Bible verse that tells how God’s Word, the Bible, is like a light and a lamp.  Listen to what it says:  Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  Now let’s say it together.  I’ll say some word first and then you repeat after me.  (Say a couple of words and let the children repeat after you.)  Can anybody point to some lights in our room?  (Wait for response.)  Good job!  Lights are important.  They help us see where to go and keep us from bumping into things so that we don’t get hurt.  God’s Word, the Bible, is like a light.  It also shows us where to go and keeps us safe if we do what God tells us to do.  God’s Word should make us very happy just like this happy light I am holding.  (Show the children your happy face flashlight.)  When we love God and obey Him we will be happy.  Here is a flashlight for each of you to hold.  (Explain how to turn it on and off.)  Now, I am going to turn the lights off in our room.  But before I do, everyone turn your flashlights on.  (Turn the lights off in your room.)  Wow!  Would you look at how bright our room is?  It’s beautiful.  Now, shine your lights up on the wall.  Do you see the happy faces?  They’re all over!  Now, we’re going to play a little game with our flashlight.  I am going to say an object in the room.  For example, I might say “the clock.”  I want everyone to shine their lights on the clock.  We will then say our Bible verse together.

At this point, choose an object in your room the children can point to.  Then have the children repeat the verse after you.  Do this several times picking a new object each time.  At the end, you might sing the song “This Little Light of Mine” and have the children dance around the room.

Next, if you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up today to receive Scripture Lady’s Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help your kids get excited about the Bible!

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