The 5 Ts of a Treasured Teacher

The 5 Ts of a Treasured Teacher

by Jody Capehart
The 5 Ts of a Treasured Teacher
Veteran children’s minister Jody Capehart reminds us of the nature of a valued and effective teacher.


Jody Capehart

Whether you are a schoolteacher in an actual classroom, a parent with a regular audience, a Sunday school teacher of little ones, or a youth group pastor with teens bouncing off the walls, the same principles apply for being atreasured teacher.

We take our cues from Jesus, who implores us all to “‘Go and make disciples…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’”  Our job is to take Jesus’ words of life to whatever audience He has given us.

In that sense, we are all teachers.  So I have made the five Ts for being a treasured teacher:

1.  Be a torch of light.  As Luke 8:16 says, we must let our light be seen by others.  We must be willing to be used, willing to share the light that we have attained through our own walk with the Lord and not keep it hidden.  The words of the child’s song, “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine…” are just as true for us.

2.  Be transparent.  Kids, better than anyone else, can tell when we are being genuine and when we are putting on an act and playing a part.  If they do not think you are real, they won’t listen to you.  Be open with them about who you are and what God has done in your life.  The willingness to be vulnerable can become one of the most effective teaching tools we have.  When we share our mistakes and weaknesses, children listen – all ages, too.  Why?  Because they relate.  Once they see who we are and what God has done for us, we become a living curriculum.

3.  Be a treasure hunter.  In order to reach them, we must tap into and uncover what makes each child blossom.  Every teaching experience is a treasure hunt, a search to discover what key will unlock the door to a child’s lifelong quest to know God.  Search expecting to find.  God wants you to experience the thrill of teaching.

4.  This means we must also remain teachable ourselves.  It is not enough to expect others to learn and grow if we are not willing to do so ourselves.  As Henry Ford says, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at age 20 or 80.”  If we do not remain teachable, we will wilt, and we will also cease to be transparent any longer.

5.  Be trustworthy.  Character counts.  Our morals and ethical behavior impact our effectiveness.  Our children depend on us to provide a learning environment that is safe both physically and emotionally.  And they are always watching us to see what our character is, whether we keep the commitments to others, whether we live what we preach.  Our day-to-day life is the greatest opportunity we have to teach.  It is our final exam.  We must pass it by living a life that is trustworthy and above reproach.

May you be blessed today as you invest yourself in others as atreasured teacher!


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