Helping Your Pastor Fall in Love with Children’s Ministries

Helping Your Pastor Fall in Love with Children’s Ministries

Be Prepared
Whenever you have a project to present, do as much of your homework ahead of time as possible. If you need equipment for your ministry, get prices from different vendors. Being able to present the best price tells your pastor that you care about being a good steward of God’s money. Have the information typed and ready for presentation.


Eliminate the need for numerous meetings on the same issue. Having the information in the initial meeting lets your pastor know you value his time.


Be Loyal
Serve your pastor with unquestionable loyalty. If you cannot be loyal and faithful to your pastor, review Proverbs 6:19. God hates “one who sows discord among brethren.” If you sow discord among the people toward your pastor, you are in a dangerous position. Ephesians 4:3 says, “Make every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit.”


Diffuse criticism. When people come to you to criticize your pastor, have no part of it. Stop them in their tracks by asking, “Have you discussed this with him?” Whether verbally or through your silence, when you hesitate to challenge their criticism of the pastor, you place a wedge between you that will not serve a good purpose.


Be a Communicator
Share “praise reports” with your pastor. Many times because the children’s ministries can stay “out of sight and out of mind,” your pastor does not know the good things that are happening. Send him regular memos (at least every other week) about something specific that happened in the children’s ministry that week. Not only will this help your pastor know what is going on in your children’s ministry, it will also help him be able to praise specific children’s ministry volunteers when he sees them.


Be Sharp
Have the sharpest-run ministry in the church. Organize it effectively and create a positive image. Do not fly by the seat of your pants. Plan, organize, structure, train, and delegate. Soon you will have everyone in the church looking at your ministry positively.


Humor is a great tool. “Laughter does good like a medicine” (Proverbs 17:22) but there is a time and place for humor. Know the boundaries. No one—including your pastor—likes to be embarrassed. Too often, we in children’s ministries forget how to behave as adult professionals. Make your pastor proud to be seen with you. Act appropriately in public. Do not carry your “kids’ church character” with you wherever you go. Especially do not embarrass your pastor by acting goofy when in a public place with him. Few things will build a wall between the two of you quicker.


Be Your Pastor’s Armor Bearer
You should be like Jonathan’s armor bearer who said, “Do whatever is in your heart, I am with you heart and soul” (I Samuel 14:7). You are an extension of the ministry of your pastor. The role of children’s pastor is not mentioned in the Bible. Your ministry is a complement to the role of the pastor. You are his hands extended into the lives of children and adult volunteers.


Part of your job is to lighten the load of your pastor. Look for opportunities to ask your pastor what you can do for him. The responsibilities of pastoring a church are enormous. You can be like Aaron and Hur were to Moses, raising your pastor’s hands during battle.


Actively pray for your pastor. Make his life and the concerns he faces a matter of continued prayer. Pray for his spiritual life, pray for his wife and family, pray for his ability to clearly see God’s plan for your church.

Causing your pastor to fall in love with children’s ministries is your job. Cultivate your relationship with him and create a positive ministry image within your church. As you do this, you will not only help yourself, but you will ultimately help those to whom you minister.



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